The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court aims to provide fast and fair proceedings for intellectual property and international trade cases to cure the damage suffered by the parties and to handle the caseloads arising from economic and social expansion, in a timely manner. In this regard, the Court has developed a number of special practices to enhance the efficiency of the proceedings as follows:
- a proceeding between the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court and other Courts of Justice may be carried out via facsimile or other electronic communications i.e. e-mail, together with or instead of express mail service;
- the Court has developed an information technology system to hold a trial via video conference when the witness resides in a remote area, which helps to provide a convenient, fast, fair, and uncostly proceeding, both in the Kingdom and overseas;
- parties may petition for an injunction before trial;
- parties are allowed to submit a testimony of a witness instead of summoning the witness to testify before the judges;
- parties may omit a translation of a document to the Court, upon the approval of the other party and provided that such document does not directly relate to the main contending issue;
- evidence in the form of digital data is admissible;
- in a case of emergency and necessity, a party may, in advance, request the Court to seize documents or objects that are likely to be submitted as evidence.