The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court was established due to the notion that the characteristics of the intellectual property and international trade cases are different from other general cases and should be handled by judges and associate judges who have expertise in intellectual property and international trade, in order to provide justice in relation to intellectual property and international trade equitably, efficiently, without delay, and worthy of international acknowledgment.
The Act for Establishment of the Court
The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court was established on December 1, 1997, under the Act for the Establishment of and Procedure for Intellectual Property and International Trade Court B.E. 2539 (1996).
Official Emblem
Description of the Emblem
The emblem is featured in a circular shape. At its center is Pra Dullapah (scales of justice), situated atop images of a human head, a book, an aircraft, a globe, and a ship. The words “The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court” are written at the inner edge of the emblem.
Meaning of the Emblem
Pra Dullapah, situated on the upper part of the emblem symbolizes the Courts of Justice that provides justice for people. The lower right part of the emblem that consists of images of a human head and a book stand for imagination and creativity which are the sources of intellectual property. The aircraft, the globe, and the ship refer to international trade. When those are put underneath Pra Dullapah, it means the specialized Court of the Courts of Justice adjudicating intellectual property and international trade cases.