In order to facilitate fast and fair proceedings, the Act for the Establishment and Procedure for Intellectual Property and International Trade Court B.E. 2539 (1996) prescribes that the Court shall proceed with the hearing without adjournment, barring unavoidable necessity, until the hearing is finished.
The increase of number of the cases due to the economic and social expansion together with the increased complicacy of the cases brought to the Court had resulted in the longer time taken to finish each case. The Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court is well-aware of the problem and therefore, has improved the case management system in order to enhance its efficiency. The Court is of a view that merely a larger number of staff and law amendments by the legislature are insufficient to solve the problem in an efficient and timely manner. Accordingly, the Court has emphasized the role of a judge to set out case management plan prior to the proceeding and to proceed with the hearing without adjournment (continuous trial) by a quorum of judges, which are the measures that help enhance the efficiency and reduce costs of the proceedings by setting out a particular strategy for each case, exploring and determining exact contending issues, employing alternative dispute resolutions, and determining a timeframe for each proceeding in advance in order to support efficient case management with fairness to all parties.
Criminal Proceedings with Public Prosecution
Criminal Proceedings with Private Prosecution
Civil Proceedings
Furthermore, the Chief Justice of the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court is empowered, subject to the approval of the President of the Supreme Court, to issue Rules on proceedings and hearing of evidence in the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, which is a special feature, to provide convenient, fast, fair, and cost-effective proceedings.